We believe that how we treat this planet is the hallmark of the legacy we expect to leave behind us.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Why do we think the future is GREEN?

It's not like it showed up in our lives as a sudden surprise.  We've been involved in evolving as 'greener' folks for most of our lives ~ composting, recycling, looking for better ways to conduct our affairs in such a way that we do as little harm as possible.

Gary has been around the construction trades all his adult life and is aware of the impact of many of the chemicals used both on himself, his workers and the world in general.  Knowing how much harm can (and has been) done, he's become more committed to seeking solutions and from that search came his involvement with Seal-It.  

The more he used their products, the more he felt that they were definitely meeting needs he felt had to be addressed.  Almost a decade ago, he started to wonder if he could bring Seal-It's line of sealants into B.C.   It came to a head about eight months ago when we decided that we were really ready to start.

What's more important to the both of us is having our grandchildren's futures in our visions and realizing we need to do more, work harder at it and set examples that will impact lifetimes.

 This is Rhys who loves exploring the world around him and one of his favourite activities is to go walking in the woods with his grandfather to see where the salmon streams run.

This Gary with his other grandson, Mason, who will be old enough this year to begin rambling through the woods with Rhys and grandpa.

And this is my granddaughter, Faryn, who has just learned the word 'flower' and who is constantly amazed at how many colours there are in her small world.

And then there's Niko, the wonder dog, who knows that cool, clean streams are a furry mutt's delight on hot days.

 We believe that how we treat this planet is the hallmark of the legacy we expect to leave behind us.

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